Why Should Indoor Air Quality Be Improved?

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Why Should Indoor Air Quality Be Improved?

Conversations you could hear anywhere in Illinois or Northwest Indiana about indoor air quality:

“Oh, it’s just an annoying cough.”

“I’m NOT sick! It’s just my allergies acting up.”

“I’m not worried, it’s just a tickle in my throat.”

“I’ve had asthma attacks since I was a kid and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Ignorance is not bliss

When the conversation turns to heating & air conditioning, no one seems to want to talk about the unhealthy air we breathe. Instead, it’s easier to blame respiratory problems and illness on something that can’t be controlled. Merts Heating & Air Conditioning wants to make sure you are aware of the risk posed by poor indoor air quality, or IAQ.

The problem is real & serious

If you’re wondering why Merts is so concerned, you need to first remember most of us spend 90% of our time indoors, either at home or at work. Here are some other important facts:

  • The EPA has determined inside air can be two to five times more polluted than outside air.
  • It has also ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health.
  • Some medical authorities say 50% of all illnesses are caused or made worse by poor indoor air quality.
  • Respiratory specialists say asthma cases can be reduced by more than half if contaminants such as dust mites are properly controlled.

Now that we have your attention

Don’t just throw your hands up in the air in frustration. There are many ways to improve the indoor air quality in Illinois and Northwest Indiana homes and businesses.

  • Improving ventilation is key. Everyone understands how important energy efficiency is and as a result modern homes are tightly sealed. Bringing in fresh air is key to improving indoor air quality. It can be as simple as opening windows when weather allows. Merts can also show you systems that can introduce fresh air while not compromising energy efficiency.
  • Use high-performance air filters. Filters are designed to do one thing, and that is catch particles in the air. Using high-quality filters will trap more and smaller particles including dust mites. Just remember, filters that are too dense can damage HVAC systems so always check with your technician about which filter is best for you.
  • Use a whole-house air purification system. While filters remove particles, they don’t scrub the air. Purifiers are designed to kill some viruses & bacteria and neutralize volatile organic compounds.

Ready to help

Isn’t it time to improve your family’s health and quality of life? Call Merts Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule your free no-obligation indoor air quality assessment. For more great information like this be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.