How Much Does it Cost to Install a New Furnace?

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How Much Does it Cost to Install a New Furnace?

Merts Heating & Air Conditioning really wishes there was a simple answer to the question in that headline. Many factors determine the cost of a furnace installation in your Illinois or Northwest Indiana home. Our pledge is that we will work closely with you to answer your questions and determine which heating replacement option is best for you. Here are a few things that affect the price of a furnace:

  • Size—This isn’t about physical size, but rather the heating capacity. Determining the correct size depends on many factors, starting with the size of your house. Despite what any salesperson may tell you, bigger is not always better. A furnace with too much heating capacity can actually be less efficient than a correctly sized smaller furnace.
  • Efficiency—Furnaces have what’s called an AFUE rating, which measures how efficiently it burns the fuel. The higher the number, the more efficient it is. A high efficiency heating system replacement costs more upfront but will save money in the long run through lower utility costs.
  • Labor costs—Any furnace installation requires the talents of skilled workers. When Merts quotes you a price it will include the cost of labor, the equipment to meet your needs, and any additional indoor air quality products or ductwork that may need to be included.

Maintenance is mandatory

The best thing you can do to avoid the cost of a heating system replacement is practicing good maintenance.  Most furnaces last from 10-15 years and you can be sure you are on the upper end of that range by having our Merts technicians maintain your system with yearly tune-ups. No matter what the cost is for a furnace installation, the cost of maintenance is going to look cheap in comparison.

Repair vs. replace

Even when you do practice good maintenance, the time will come when your furnace requires repairs that can often be quite expensive. Should you pay to repair the old furnace? Does it make more sense to do a heating replacement? When repairs are needed Merts will explain all of the options to you.

  • The cost of repairs
  • How long the repairs might last
  • The likelihood of more repairs in the future
  • Advantages of an efficient new furnace

We can provide all of the information, but only you can decide what’s right for you.

Here to help

Don’t be afraid to ask Merts Heating & Conditioning for help when it comes to heating replacements. Just call and schedule your free no obligation estimate. For more great information like this, be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.